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Massage Therapy in Battle Creek, Mi.
Hot Stone Massage
Hot Stone Massage is a form of body work that involves the application of heated stones (thermotherapy) to the body within the context of a therapeutic massage. Round, smooth stones are heated to a luxurious warmth, oiled and used in the palm of the hands to massage the body, as well as place them on different areas of the body to heat those areas while working on other areas. The heat penetrates deeply, promoting profound relaxation, increased detoxification, and relief of long-standing muscular tension, stress, and fatigue.
The use of applied heat to alter the temperature of the body for healing is a technique of long-standing benefit. The roots of this healing therapy can be sourced back to many ancient cultures including the Native Americans. Though the history of using heated stones as an adjunct to body work reaches back centuries, this type of therapy has recently become popular again.
90 minutes...................................$145.00
Some of the Benefits of Hot Stone Massage
Melts muscle tension
Provides deep relaxation
Improves Circulation
Aids in digestion and increases metabolism
Eases Symptoms of PMS
Detoxifies the body
Calms the mind
Relieves Chronic Aches and Pains
Improves sleep
Lowers blood pressure
Increases flexibility
Improves concentration
Helps to balance the pulse rate and heart beat
Improved mood
Decreases Chronic Muscle Spasms
Boost Immunity
Helps with anxiety and depression
Helps in aiding deeper, easier breathing
Although there are a ton of benefits of hot stone massage there are a few who should Avoid it such as…
Children under 18 often don’t speak up when something is uncomfortable, so it is not recommended to use hot stones on them.
People over 70 due to the thinning of the skin so the rocks might be to hot for them.
Pregnant woman should not receive a very hot stone massage, but warm stones can be used so long as the client is otherwise able to receive massage therapy.
People with edema, cardiovascular conditions, and high blood pressure can all be aggravated by hot stone massage, as the effects can be even greater due to the additional heat.