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Massage Therapy in Battle Creek, Mi.
Herbal Detox
Skin is your largest living and breathing organ of your body. Harmful air pollution, smoking, harmful ingredients from lotions, soaps, perfumes, UV rays and even the wind assaults your body. Harmful chemicals get trapped in our fat cells. Herbal body wraps are a great way to Detox your body.
The all natural herbs in the detox wrap have a natural anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, antifungal, and anti-microbial properties. This helps with the natural tightening, toning, nourishing, and firming of the skin.
Detox wraps stimulate the lymphatic system of the body to remove toxins and fatty acids. The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. The toxins are released into the bloodstream and removed from the body as waste. A detox wrap is filled with ingredients that release impurities and stimulate your circulation. You will feel some heat and some light perspiration too. Herbal detox wraps help to remove toxins from your body as well as introducing vitamins and minerals into the body to promote health and healing while you lie and relax listening to relaxing music.
It is highly recommended that you take it easy afterwards for about 48 hours, drink plenty of water, avoid junk food, coffee, and alcohol for a while and let the detox wrap work its magic. Also not recommended to be used more then once in 72 hours
Talk to your doctor first if you have any of the following issues
Circulatory problems
Blood clots
Open wounds on your hands or feet
Thyroid problems
Have an issues with heat
Some possible Side effects
Emotional sensitivity
Feeling tired and needing rest
But these side effects are short-term side effects that tend to go away shortly after the treatment.
****Not recommended for people who are Claustrophobic or have issues with Heat****
60 Minutes..........................$110.00
Some of the MANY benefits of Herbal Detox Wraps
Stimulates the lymphatic system, increasing the removal of toxins from the body
Stimulates defensive functions
Boosts and invigorates all systems
Accelerates the metabolism
Relieves fluid retention
Stimulates cell regeneration
Reduces muscle tension
Stimulates cell regeneration
Reduces muscle tension and eases pain
Improves blood circulation
Decreases the appearance of cellulite
Cleanses pores and loosens excess sebum
Nourishes the skin
Tightens, softens, and firms the skin
Increases skin oxidation
Allows the skin to retain moisture more effectively
Gives skin a smoother appearance and texture