A Moment Away
Massage Therapy in Battle Creek, Mi.
Some of the Many Benefits of Massage
Decreased Anxiety
Enhanced Sleep Quality
Greater Energy
Improved Concentration
Increased Circulation
Reduced Fatigue
Alleviate Low-Back Pain and Improve Range of Motion.
Assist with Shorter, Easier Labor for Expectant Mothers and Shorten Maternity Hospital Stays.
Ease Medication dependence.
Enhance Immunity by Stimulating Lymph Flow- The Body's Natural Defense system.
Exercise and Stretch Weak, Tight, or Atrophied Muscles.
Helps Athletes of Any Level Prepare For, and Recover From, Strenous Workouts.
Imporove the Condition of the Body's Largest Organ- the Skin
Increases Joint Flexability
Lessen Depression
Promote Tissue Regeneration, Reducing Scar Tissue and Stretch Marks
Pump Oxygen and Nutrieants into Tissues and Vital Orans
Reduce Postsurgery Adhesions and Swelling
Reduce Spasms and Cramping
Relax and Soften Injured, Tired, and overused Muscles.
Relax Endorphins- Amion Acids that Work as the Body's Natural Painkiller
Relieve Migraine Pain.
Promotes Relaxation and Reduces Stress
Lowers Blood Pressure
Relievs Muscle Aches and Pains
Improves Muscle Tone
Promotes Deeper and Easier Breathing
Improves Digestion and Elimination
Balances autonomic Nervous System
Promotes Fater Injury/Illness Recovery
Streatches Connective Tissue
Reduces Cronic Pain
Increased Red Blood Cell Count
Improves Productivity
Decreases Muscle Deterioration
Speeds Elimination of Metabolic Waste
Stimulates release of endorphins
Reduces Swelling
Improves Posture
Enhances Self Image
Provides a Feeling of Well Being
Nurtures and Stimulates Emotional Growth
and Many, Many, Many more Wonderful Things and Lets NOT Forget How Good A Massage Feels.